Monday, September 30, 2024

Seeing my Stories Through, an Open Book blog hop post


Welcome to Open Book Blog Hop. You can find us every Monday talking about the writing life. I hope you'll check out all the posts: you'll find the links at the bottom of this post.

How did you decide that you finally wanted to write your stories?

I've always written--poetry and journals as a child; poetry, journals, essays, and stories as a young woman. But I was really haphazard about finishing things and seeking publication. I always let something else take precedence. I poured my creative energy into teaching, raising my kids, and building a life. And I wondered why I was feeling burnt out. 

For me, the moment of decision came when I was 42. Anyone who has read Douglas Adams's Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy knows that 42 is the meaning of life, the universe, and everything, so I took that as my cue from the universe to get off my duff and take my writing life seriously. Stop playing at writing and do it for real. 

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"Doing it for real" for me meant committing to a daily writing habit and forcing myself to stay focused on a single project and bring to completion before allowing myself to chase the shiny new idea that flitted across my brain when the going got tough. It takes discipline to move from playing at writing to bringing your vision into a form where it can be shared with others. Discipline and bravery. 

I say it takes bravery because sharing your creative endeavors with the world is a highly vulnerable act. You'll meet with a mixture of responses. You may find love and support, you may find vitriol, or you may find indifference. Most of us find a little of all three.

So, that was what did it for me: I turned 42 and decided it was now or never. I chose now. 

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  1. I enjoy writing but I would never consider it to be a proper job. I'm far too lazy to put in all the associated (but vital) work in marketing my novels. I'm lucky enough to be able to indulge it as a hobby.

    1. It's a lovely hobby…sometimes it's great to do something solely for the love of it.

  2. I'd like to make money from writing, but am happy if I can break even!

    1. That's about where I am. My writing life pays for itself, and sometimes just a little bit more.

  3. You're very disciplined in writing every day. I just write for a hobby. Less stress!

    1. It takes hard core discipline to keep myself on track, but yes, it does get stressful sometimes.

  4. I finally got signed in! It’s been blocking me all this time. Yay!! 😀 I’ve been wanting to comment so badly. Hitchhikers Guide ftw! I also started out playing at it. Graduated to something like Dan fiction before that was a thing. Then the original ideas took shape. It’s been hard since having my daughter to find time. Hopefully retirement in a few more years will free me up!

    1. Children are time consuming little buggers, aren't they? I always joke that my kids are the most expensive hobby I ever took on!
