
Wednesday, May 17, 2017

May Should be Optional

May is not my favorite month. This might be a side effect of my day job (teaching middle school), but this month is always a struggle. I'm tired, overwhelmed, and fighting apathy (my own as well as my students').

In fact, I usually feel like my tail's on fire and the radio's broken, so I'm just screaming out the window: Mayday! Mayday! 

It's called May, right? May which means that are allowed to do something, but don't have to. As in "you may proceed" or "you may discard two cards." Or it has to do with permission: "come what may" or "mother may I?"

Try as I may, I can't summon a devil-may-care attitude about this. So, I declare the the entire month should be optional. What do you say? May I be excused?


  1. LOL! Well, I'm not a teacher or a student anymore so May doesn't really bother me. But I remember it being a drag.

  2. I can see how May would be a tough month for teachers. So close to the end of the school year, and all. When I taught, it was a year-round program, so we didn't have an end-of-the-year, so May was never an issue for me.

    1. It definitely is tough . . .and having the test-capades that have been amped up every year since I began teaching does not help.

  3. As mom to a graduating Senior, I say May is entirely too hectic and crazy! I can hardly wait for what I am hoping is a lazy, slow June.
    Faith: #TheWordonWords at Life & Faith in Caneyhead.

  4. I'm so with you on this. My middle schooler would rather do anything thank keep up with schoolwork by this point in the year, and my professor hubby is completely drowning in end-of-semester grading, committee meetings and graduation-related stuff he's expected to attend (in billowy doctoral robes, no less). Meanwhile I have to hold down the fort. Bleh.

    1. I feel badly for my husband, the only Bryant not enslaved by the academic calendar. He gets all the suffering, but not the June, July or August down time.

  5. I like May because in Michigan it means the weather is finally getting warm...although, it seems this year Michigan has missed the memo.

    1. I've heard you've been getting late-year snow up there!
