
Thursday, April 14, 2016

L is for…Leonardo
The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles are some of the most fun, creative, and original characters of the comic book world. And fans all have their favorites from various comic books, television, and movie versions. My favorite is the version on Nickelodeon currently. My husband and daughter were watching it together and I got pulled in. I even finally learned which turtle was which, something I've always had trouble with.

Leonardo is the leader, the guy with a blue mask, a pair of katana, and the difficult job of trying to lead his brothers in their battles. Of all the turtles, he's the one who takes the whole hero-gig the most seriously, aspiring to the be the best he can be and help the most people he can. I enjoy this young idealistic character, trying hard to be responsible, but still also be little more than a kid himself.

I like him, because he's the most like me: responsible to a fault, hard working, with a work before play ethic. He always has a plan, and it's often a good one, if only others would follow it. Like me, he gets picked on for being a stick-in-the-mud or un-spontaneous, but it's not that he doesn't know how to have fun. It's that he loves his brothers so much, that protecting them is his top priority at all times.

Yep, if I were a ninja turtle, I'd be Leo.
This post is part of the A to Z Blogging Challenge. I'll be writing about superheroes I love all month. You can check out other bloggers and see their creative takes on the challenge here.

Don't forget to check out my own superhero stories:


  1. My brother grew up watching the original ninja turtles cartoon. I always liked Raphael because he was the fierce and sarcastic one of the group.

    1. I think all four of them are awesome in their own ways. Raphael would be great to have on your side in a fight.

  2. I used to love TMNTs when they were on way back when. I used to have a couple of the mugs, which I got by collecting hula hoop packets :). I'm not sure what happened to them though :(.
    Tasha's Thinkings | Wittegen Press | FB3X (AC)

  3. Loved the way you explained this! I think I have watched TMNT a handful of times. Never really got into them, but I do love that they are coming back. I think you are right, being responsible can be hard. Sometimes we all just have to be kids too!

  4. I like how you can relate to him! I've actually never watched any version of TMNT.

  5. I watched the cartoon when I was little and loved it. But Michelangelo was my turtle. Sorry, Leo.

    ~Ninja Minion Patricia Lynne aka Patricia Josephine~
    Story Dam
    Patricia Lynne, Indie Author

    1. In the current version, Mikey is quite a goofball, but he's all optimism and heart, too.

  6. Again, when the boys were young I did know this group, but now, not enough to even name them. LOL But they were fun, something totally new at the time. :)

  7. When I worked at an ad agency in Boston one my fellow designers had attended RISDI with the guys who created the Ninja Turtles. It all started out as a goof and look what happened.

    Meet My Imaginary Friends

    1. It feels like that happens a lot. We forget how valuable play is to creation.
